Activation and Registration

What requirements do customers need to prepare to register prepaid card?

The requirements that must be prepared by the customer are:

  • For Indonesian Citizens (WNI) as individual: “Nomor Induk Kependudukan (NIK) KTP-Elektronik” and “Nomor Kartu Keluarga (KK)”
  • For foreigners (WNA): Passport or KITAP (Permanent Stay Permit Card) or KITAS (Temporary Stay Permit Card)
  • For Corporate Customers: The registration mechanism & requirements for corporate numbers is divided into 2 types:
    • Registration for Corporate Customers on behalf of customers (individuals) for non M2M / IOT corporate customers using SITU / SIUP and NPWP verified by the nearest Tax office and “NIK” and “Nomor KK” for each person of corporate customer and is carried out at the Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Outlet or Administrative Sales Officer.
    • For registration of corporate numbers for M2M / IOT use SITU / SIUP and NPWP verified by the nearest Tax office and “NIK” and “Nomor KK” of PIC who designated by the Corpoorasi and is carried out at the Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Outlet or the Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Administrative Sales Officer and the amount is not limited to 1 “NIK” and “Nomor KK” of PIC corporation. Corporate customer must submit copy of verified SIUP and/or NPWP, “Nomor Induk Kependudukan (NIK) KTP-Elektronik” and “Nomor Kartu Keluarga (KK)” PIC of corporate customer. The registration mechanism for corporate numbers is still registered in the customer's name (individual's NIK and KK number). Registration of corporate numbers for M2M / IOT is carried out at the Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison outlet by the responsible corporate official and the number is not limited.

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