Network Tips

Are there any tips to increasing good network quality?

1. Airplane Mode

Turn on Airplane mode for 5 secs and then turn it off. Your cell phone will stop trying to connect to cell tower yielding weak signal and search for new nell tower with stronger signal

2. Move Other Devices

Other electronics can interfere with the signals your phone uses to communicate. Simply getting away from other devices can reduce the interference that is impeding your device

3. Battery Power

Charge your phone to give it more power to operate its signal search function. Because when your battery is lower than 25% charged, the phone automatically goes into energy conservation mode that does not search as hard for signal anymore

4. Closing Your Apps

Close all non-essential apps and web pages. Why? The processor can use all its resources and max power to perform cell signal search function, instead of diverting some of its power to maintain running apps and web pages

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